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Student Activities

We have lots of opportunities for students to be involved in activities during the school day, including: 

We have lots of opportunities for students to be involved in activities during the school day, including: 

  • Raptor News: all year, student-led news program that is recorded once a month on Fridays and available the following Monday mornings on our website
  • Student Council: 4th-6th grade leadership opportunity that meets twice a month to plan school-wide events
We have lots of opportunities for students to be involved in activities after the school day, including:

We have lots of opportunities for students to be involved in activities after the school day, including:

  • After school basketball: both girls and boys
  • After school study club: meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays for grades 4-6th for homework and study help
  • Ski & Snowboard Club: running from December through February, it offers a discount for skiing and snowboarding at Alpine Valley. You can follow them on Facebook as well.
District opportunities for after school activities can be found HERE.