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All-School Events

We would love to see you at our All-School Events, including:
  • Book Fair: October & March, hosted by Scholastic and PTO
  • End of the Year Slideshow:  June, link available online through Animoto
  • Holiday Sing-Along: December
  • Olympic Day: May, students participate in outdoor events
  • One Book, One School: a chance to read and talk books together, usually in May
  • Parent & Grandparent Lunch Weeks: in coordination with Book Fairs
  • Read Across America: reading "March Madness" style
  • Red Ribbon Week: October, promoting healthy habits
  • School Dance: in spring, in coordination with basket raffle
  • School Speech Contest: in spring, for grades 5 & 6
  • Spelling Bee: in winter, grades 5 & 6
  • Turkey Trot: November, fitness walk & evacuation drill