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About Our School

At Rolling Hills, we "Roar the Raptor Way"
Love Blue and Live Gold by being Respectful, Responsible, and Safe!
The mission of Rolling Hills Elementary School is to empower all students to reach their highest potential and become lifelong learners through academic excellence in a safe, respectful environment.
Rolling Hills Elementary welcomed students for the first time in the fall of 2000.  To this day, we continue to be committed to providing the very best education to our students. 
With a current enrollment of about 500 students in 21 homerooms in grades K-6, we strive to help every student reach their potential.  We have a vibrant learning community where everyone truly cares for one another. We look like a large school though we are a small school at heart.
Incredible parental involvement and an outstanding staff are the keys to our success.  We hope you find this website a valuable source of information about our school. 
We welcome questions at any time about the opportunities we can offer our students.  Please call our office at 262/363-6318.
Our building Steering Committee & Raptor Way Committee meet periodically to review data from the previous year and create goals we work toward as a building in the areas of academics and school climate.
If you have any questions about our building goals, please contact our office.
First bell rings at 8:20, students should be ready to learn by 8:30am.
Dismissal is at 3:35pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Dismissal is at 2:35pm on Wednesdays.
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